In accordance with European law, any organization collecting, processing and keeping personal data of citizens within the European Union is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which protects fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons and in particular their right to the protection of personal data.

Therefore, QUOTAS guarantees the principles and rules listed in Regulation 2016/679 in force since May 25, 2018. QUOTAS, represented by Mrs. Sandrine SALLABERRY in her capacity as director, is responsible for the protection of the personal data of her panelists .

The personal data collected by QUOTAS are only processed for analytical purposes as part of its market research activity. The collection of these data is based on the legal basis of consent. Indeed, every data subject in the QUOTAS database has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes. He or she has registered in a free, unambiguous and enlightened way and actively filled in sociodemographic elements allowing its identification. In return, QUOTAS guarantees the secure storage of this data. The data collected by QUOTAS are neither sold nor communicated to a third party.

Sociodemographic data (sex, age and possibly common place of residence) are stored and used to define a representative sample of a targeted population. Any other data (address, profession, consumption habits, socio-cultural practices, equipment, etc.) is punctually indicated, in a completely free and non-binding way, by the panelist and is used only within the framework of the current study for which he / she is solicited. It cannot be stored and further used.

In accordance with the Article 5 of GDPR, data is :
- processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subject ;
- collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes ;
- adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed ;
- accurate and kept up to date ;
- kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed; personal data may be stored for longer periods insofar as the personal data will be processed solely for statistical purposes, safeguarding the rights and freedoms of the data subject ;
- processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures.

The data subject shall have :
- the right to  obtain from the controller the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her, simply asking QUOTAS for ;
- the right to obtain from the controller the erasure of personal data concerning him or her, simply asking QUOTAS for ;
- the right to obtain from the controller restriction of processing, simply asking QUOTAS for ;
- the right to receive the personal data concerning him or her, which he or she has provided to a controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from the controller to which the personal data have been provided

The panelist have the right to withdraw him or her from QUOTAS database, whenever he/she wants, simply asking for by email at or unregistering at the bottom of an automatic email from QUOTAS.

Finally, as a reminder, Processing of personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation is prohibited by French law. These types of data will never be asked.

The entire law text is available here :